Resale Levy

Resale Levy is applicable to those ECs where the land sales is launched on or after 9 Dec 2013.

== Second Timers Please Take Note ==

Resale levyResale Levy:

1. Sold on or before 1997. Resale levy is computed 20% of the new EC’s purchased price. (Eg. EC $1mil, resale levy $200k).

2. Sold their subsidized flat on or before 3 March 2006. Resale levy computed by percentage.

resale levy chart before 2006

*Only applicable to 2-room flat sellers that upgrade to a larger flat type.

If the graded resale levy was not paid when you sold the first subsidised flat, i.e. you opted to defer the payment until you purchase/ take over another HDB flat, interest at a prevailing rate of 5% per annum is charged.

3. Sold their subsidized after 3 March 2006. Resale levy is computed by flat size.

resale levy chart after 3 mar 2006


🔴 If buyer OWNED a subsidized flat before, SOLD it, bought a Resale Flat and still staying in it. They need to pay their levy before S&P can be issued.

🔴 If buyer is now staying in a subsidized flat now, n book an EC, they need to pay after they sell the current flat. It will be deducted from sales proceeds.

Next Read: First Timer or Second Timer?